I haven't seen any Bleach/Buso Renkin/Gundam Wing/FMA/PoT--"Prince of Tennis" episodes and I don't even have time to study Japanese >__>' and because i'm not a nerd/genius or something like that, "at least, i guess so" i have to study much more to be a good student...
Si, Esta semana he estado MUY ocupado... No se por que a los maestros les gusta dejar tarea, pero a mi no me gusta para nada ;__; y ayer tome el EPLE " Examen de posesion de la lengua española" y estuvo largisimo y aburridisimo.
No e visto Bleach/Buso Renkin/Gundam Wing/FMA/PoT--"Prince of Tennis" y nisiquiera he tenido el tiempo de estudiar Japones >.>' y como no soy nerd/Genio o lo que sea, " almenos eso creo" tengo que estudiar mucho mas para ser un buen estudiante...

I just went with a couple of friends to talk with her, and everything was good. I talked with her and with her friends about everything. The conversation was really good and it took like 20 minutes :D
She was acting in a dumb way, because she was embarrassed for all the things she did to me, but now everything is alright, i just have to keep our friendship in a good and passive way like last year ^^
Ahh!! y hoy...!! HOY HABLE CON ELLA!!! ^__^' SII!! Lo hise!! y estoy muy orgulloso de mi mismo! GRACIAS a todos los que me ayudaron! ;)
Solo fui con unos amigos a hablarle a ella, y todo fue bien. Hable con ella y con sus amigos acerca de todo, y la conversacion estuvo muy buena, y tomo como 20 minutos :D
Ella estaba actuando de una manera estupida, por que estaba avergonzada de lo que me hiso, pero todo esta bien ahora. Solo tengo que mantener nuestra amistado en una buena y pasiva manera como el año pasado ^^

Good for you man!
It wasn't too difficult right?
I Told ya ^.^
Good luck dude.
@Shagh: LOL, what did I tell ya? But u seemed to leave out some stuff, lol. Like if she apologized or how she feels about the two of u. Etc... Stay tuned for the next episode?
@Daniel: well, it wasn't easy..thx god friends exist ^^'
xJAYMANx: Haha yeah, actually she did not apologize to me ;__; that's the sad part of the story.
ohh and i don't really know how she feels about everything, but "for now" we are friends, not as good as the last year but we are friends, and that's important ^^'
@Shagh: Let's hope so. Better than nothing! Or is it? >_<
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