Have you ever seen Prison Break? O.O
Well, Let me tell you that Prison Break is the best show on TV ever! (at least for me).
It's about 2 brothers trying to break out of prison, because one of them was sentenced to death because for a crime he didn't commit, so his brother went to prison to save him from death.
Alguna vez han visto Prison Break?!
Pues dejenme decirles que Prison Break es el mejor show de televison! (almenos para mi).
Se trata de 2 hermano tratando de escapar de la carcel, por que a uno de ellos lo sentenciaron a muerte por culpa de un crimen que el no cometio, entonces su hermano va a prision para salvarlo de la muerte.

In general it's a good show. Season 1 and season 2 are the best ones, season 3 was good, but not that good and only has 13 episodes.
Right now, i'm watching season 4 (episode 15) and everything is good, but i feel like the show lost the essence, because they are not even in prison, they just want to take down "The company" that wanted Lincoln Burrows and Michael Scofield dead.
Anyway, i still love the show :)
En general, es un buen show. La temporada 1 y 2 son las mejores, la temporada 3 fue buena, pero no tan buena como las demas y solo tiene 13 episodios.
Ahora estoy viendo la temporada 4 (episodio 15) y es una buena temporada, pero siento que el show ya perdio su esencia, por que ya nisiquiera estan en prision, ellos solo quieren destruir a "La Compañia" que queria a Licoln Burrows y a Michael Scofield muertos.
De cualquier manera, todavia me encanta el show :)

@Shagh: Hmm, haven't planned to see this yet. Then again, if it doesn't have interstellar battles, mythical legends, and cyborg babes, then the re-imagined "Battlestar Galactica" (S1-S4) is probably the best TV show ever. At least, in the history of sci-fi. And that's a lot. ^_^
P.S. Finally mailed your package today. Don't worry about the shipping cost.
@XJAYMANX: Well, sci-fi shows are good but i like shows based on real life things XD like CSI or Dexter.
That's why i didn't like Stargate Atlantis XD
Ohh thank you man!! i was worried for the shipping :S
@Shagh: That's the thing. "BSG" is the most realistic vision (often too horribly and tragically real) of science-fiction ever.... Bahhh, I haven't touched any Stargates since the original film. Forget that crap, lol.
P.S. No prob!
Your tips will definitely come in handy. Thanks for writing a great article!
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