Merry Christmas!! :D i just want to say, Merry Christmas to everyone! Enjoy the time with your family and friends, and your gifts! And remember, this is just a fantasy christmas, Full of gifts, food and fireworks...
God Bless you all, " i don't care if you believe in god or not" You are gonna get my blessings :)
Feliz Navidad!!! :D solo les quiero decir, feliz navidad a todos! disfruten el tiempo con su familia y amigos, y los regalos!
Dios Los Bendiga a todos " No me importa si crees en dios o no" Vas a recibir mis bendiciones :)

Feliz navidad amigo XD
Hehe, Merry Christmas man!
and God bless you too.
I'm getting a Ps3 today! you have one right?
@daniel: Gracias!! hehe and if you get the ps3, give you my id ok? :D
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