Bueno, pues navegando en la web, me encontre con un reloj bastante interesante que yo la verdad, si me lo compraria, es un reloj bastante moderno y los relojes que venden alli, todos t¡enen ese toque moderno y futuristico... y como dicen por alli, si se compran uno, su nivel de geek va a ser lanzado por la estratosfera. pueden ver los relojes aqui.
Well, surfing the web, i found a pretty cool and interesting watch, and in my opinion, i would like to buy one, but they are a little bit expensive. you can see their products Here. The watches are very cool, they all have a modern look, but like someone said; it’ll boost your geek cred up to stratospheric levels if you got one strapped to your wrist. hehe
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