Monday, December 15, 2008

Geeky Chairs

Sillas Sonic! Son lo ultimo en comodidad y tecnologia. La silla en si, trae una iMac con touch screen... imaginense algo asi en su cuarto, seria lo mejor de lo mejor... lo unico malo es el precio, ya que esta belleza cuesta mas de $10,000 :( pero algun dia, cuando tenga dinero, me comprare una jaja

Sonic Chairs! The latest in Technology and comfort. Also the chair comes with mounted iMac! a touchscreen one.. imagine that thing in your room, that would be so awesome...The bad thing is the price!! this beauty worth
$10,000!! :( someday, i'll buy one haha.

La iMac que trae tiene
– 2.0 GHz, Intel Core 2 Duo Processor
– 1 GB memory, 250 GB hard drive
– 8x SuperDrive (Double Layer)
– ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT graphics
– Mac OS X Leopard, already installed

Y se puede pedir de un monton de colores.. y ustedes se comprarian una??

The iMac has:
– 2.0 GHz, Intel Core 2 Duo Processor
– 1 GB memory, 250 GB hard drive
– 8x SuperDrive (Double Layer)
– ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT graphics
– Mac OS X Leopard, already installed (actual Windows system is possible, but not included in the price.)

And you can buy the chair in different colors... And what about you? will you buy one??


xJAYMANx said...

@Shagh: Ah, muy bueno. Commenting works!

Just three things about this chair: (1) this iMac is weaker than mine, lol, (2) why smear finger oil on the screen if I can use a mouse or tablet? and (3) where's the black version? LOL.

P.S. Yeah, I couldn't access Mimi's blog either. Maybe something happened, so she put a block. But I'm confused about the friend-and-girl thingie?

Shagh said...

@XJAYMANX hehe you are right, but the chair looks comfortable XD

Ohh so it wasn't you the one who talked to me about that Girl thingie? X__x damn, i sweat it was you, but if not forget about it XD hehe

xJAYMANx said...

@Shagh: Really? What girl thingie? Okay, *now* I'm curious, lol.

Shagh said...

@xJAYMANx: The problem i had with my B-friend, she was in love with me but when i realized that it was to late cause she got a boyfriend... it's a long history xD dont u remember anything?

xJAYMANx said...

@Shagh: Oh wait, yeah-yeah, I remember now. {Searches email.} But man, that was back on Oct 29th and u used a different username, lol. So u finally got a message from her? Your "shout" didn't sound good...

Shagh said...

yea man. that was long time ago, and a lot of things happened... i'll make a post about that..