Bueno pues hoy les contare una historia, algo que me paso este año, algo que cambio mi punto de vista y cambio mi forma de ver las cosas...
Well, this year everything was going good, until i met a girl, she was very nice with me and also she was in my School Project group " wich i was the leader" so, one day she asked me my Celphone numer, and from that day, she started to talk with me (using Sms). In the classroom, she also changed place with a friend, now she was in front of me!!...almost all the year, we were very happy, talking about everything with another best friend that was sitting next to me and her. Everything was Fine...
One day, one of my best friends talked to me, he told me that she was in love with me and i was like: "Nah! i dont believe you, she's just a very good friend!" (i never took that seriusly) weeks later, We went to an Orphan's House "Charity Work" and i was eating with my group, and she came up to eat with us.. we were eating with the kids and she told me that she got a new boyfriend, and i said: "Who's your BF?." Guess what?? Was the Worst man in my class " besides the gay ones" xD He's the kind of guy who doesn't do his homework, who doesn't stop talking in the class, Bad scores, no skills "besides sport skills", He doesn't know what he wants in the future, he's not a gentleman... You know of what i'm talking about, they are just popular and just that... so it was kind of shocking, but everyone was like: They'll break up in a week or 2... and i was like : "Yea..." But, they didn't break up X___X she was also doing his homework and that kind of things, " she's very smart, like me " :D... so it was her birthday and we went to the movies, and dinner, but her BF didn't come.. my friend and i bought her a $100 gift :P but his BF didn't give her anything, Not even a single message...
And One day, The day that shouldn't come to me... one of her best friends and one of my best friends came a long to talk with me. and they asked me: Do you like..." Lets say Maria" XD and i answered: "Idk!! She have BF, so i dont really know"... The next day, she didn't talk to me! just to say "hi "of course. Then i realized that i was in love with her, but it was to late :(
School ended and she was always like that... One friend went to Japan, and he told me " on msn" to ask her if she wanted something, but she didn't answer me back ;__; One day, i was reading the book " The Secret" and i was practicing the secret and my phone Rang! it was a message from her! the sad thing is that she only asked me when my friend was going to be back... So yea, my friend is back and we'll go to dinner this weekend with some friends, i asked her if she wanted to go, but she cant X__X she'll go out with her BF this weekend " i dont think, they are still together" but i dont care anymore, is her problem, if she doesn't want to have a nice friend, then is her problem... im gonna forget the past, to live the present, and prepare the future... "You don't know what you have until you lose it" THE END ^__^ thx for reading
Bueno pues este año todo empezo bien, hasta que conoci a una amiga que me cayo muy bien, hasta le toco estar en mi proyecto de clase, el cual yo era el lider. bueno pues un dia, cuando estabamos trabajando en el proyecto en la casa de un amigo, ella me pidio mi telefono celular y yo se lo di como cualquiera hubiera hecho, y pues empezamos a hablar por Sms desde ese dia. Tambien se cambio de lugar en la clase para estar enfrente mia, ella yo y un amigo mas nos llevabamos re bien. Asi duramos mucho tiempo, hablando de todo, molestando, riendo y hablando las tardes y noches por Sms. Hasta que un amigo me dijo: Sabias que le gustas a ella??, y yo al principio no me la crei, pero despues que lo empeze de otra manera, me empeze a dar cuenta que era cierto, pero yo en ese momento solo decia; Yo solo quiero una buena amistad... y asi paso hasta que un dia, un dia que fuimos de parte del colegio a un hogar de niños huerfanos, yo estaba con mi grupo, ella llego, se sento y comio con nosotros, todo hiba bien, hasta que nos dijo; Tengo novio... y yo solo le pregunte que quien era, y me dijo... era el que mas molestaba en la clase, el que tenia malas notas, mujeriego, irrespetuoso... ya se lo imaginaran ustedes. Bueno cuando todos se enteraron, todos deciamos, hay van a ver, 2 semanas y cortan... pero no fue asi, fueron durando y durando.
En ese momento, ella todavia me seguia hablando, como siempre, me contaba los problemas que tenia con el y me pedia consejos, hasta fuimos al cine! y bueno, llego su cumpleaños y nos invito " a mis amigos y a mi" y tambien a su novio, pero el novio no llego :P nisiquiera le dio un regalo al siguiente lunes.. Nada! Bueno pues " me dije a mi mismo" haber cuanto mas duran asi... Y Llego el dia, El dia que hiba a cambiar el resto de mi año, el dia que no debio de llegar... La mejor amiga de ella se acerca hacia a mi con un mi amigo y me preguntan: Te gusta... "bueno, pongamosle Maria"?? y yo respondi que no sabia, ella tenia novio asi que dije que no podia responder. y ellos me dijeron que yo si le gustaba a ella.. y bueno llego el otro dia y "Maria" ya no me hablaba tanto, yo y mi otro amigo que siempre hablamos de todo, ya no hablamos, nos rodeaba un silencio destructor que nada lo podia romper. y asi paso el resto de año, Saludos entre cortados, ya no me mandaba mensajes y no respondia a los mios... y pues termino el ciclo escolar, y ese otro amigo se fue a Japon, y me decia por el msn que le preguntara a "Maria" que si queria algo de Japon, pero nunca me respondio los mensajes....Hasta que un dia, Yo estaba leyendo el libro "El Secreto" y lo estaba tratando de poner aprueba, Mi celular sono, y cuando vi: Un Mensaje de Ella!! cuando lo lei solo me pregunto que cuando regresaba mi amigo de japon, y no me volvio a responder nada. hasta que hace unas 2 semanas, yo estaba tranquilo en mi ps3 cuando sono mi celular, cuando lei el mensaje decia: Lo siento... Si! se disculpo! pero no fue asi, me dijo que no me respondia por que no tenia ganas de hablarle a ninguno de sus amigos en las vacaciones " Lo cual no me crei"... y Bueno, esta semana que mi amigo regreso de Japon quedamos de juntarnos, Y ayer que le pregunte si podia ir, solo me respondio que no podia por que tenia que salir a pasear con su novio. Bueno, simplemente no le enviare mas mensajes " solo para navidad, ya que les mando mensajes a todos mis amigos en navidad" pero aparte de eso ya no, ella sabra de lo que se pierde, una buena amistad con una buena persona, asi que dejare todo en el pasado y seguire viviendo en el presente para ser mejor en el futuro... Uno no sabe lo que tiene, hasta que lo pierde.... FIN

@Shaghro: Ah man, that last *despair* pic is pretty ominous. Not gonna *kill* yourself are u?
But really, I'm wondering if she's expecting u to come and save her. For example, I found out later that my ex wanted to break up because she was *testing* me to get her back. I never knew...
In your case, *Maria* could be doing a similar thing, staying with the *worst* guy, hoping u will save her. Here's a question I might've already asked: Did u tell her how u felt yet? Even now? Did u tell her u want her to leave this guy? If u still want to be with her, then tell her, the sooner the better. Or u might regret it even more.
@xJAYMANx: haha nah, im not gonna kill myself "i'm not Emo" LOL
MMmm...I dont think so, because if she want me to save her, why did she stop talking to me?? i dont get it, she dont even answer my Sms... I feel like i dont know her anymore.
AHH, i remember that i just told her that he wasn't the right guy for her, but i was not alone, i mean, i was with some friends that were saying the same thing... And i didn't tell her anything ;__; because i didn't find the opportunity " and she wasn't single at that time"
I can do it right now, but the problem is that she doesn't want to go out with me and i dont want to do it by Sms .__. so yea, that's why im gonna stop sending messages...
P.S: The funniest thing is that her best friends always told her that i was the right guy for her, but idk... Maybe, I'll try to find her friends Email, to know the truth..
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